How’s this for motivation…I forgot today was Monday. Ha:) I have been making a plan over on my new page to start some changes in January, so I lost track of today. I made a new album about “dreams” and have been busy daydreaming, what else is new, about all the things I’d love to be able to do. I have to tell you I have not had the money to get my passport…still. I said I was going to get it like 3 years ago, I know, I know. In case I haven’t mentioned this before, I talk to pretty much everyone about anything. My nail girl is from Morocco, and at first, she didn’t say much. I thought it was because she didn’t know a lot of English, but I watched her, and I knew she understood me. So then I said, feel free to talk to me. I always wanted to be an ESL teacher (English as a Second Language) teacher, and have tutored many people in college from other countries.
After that, it was like I opened the door for her to speak to me. She doesn’t speak to many people, but seems comfortable talking to me. Her sister will come over, and they speak quietly in their language, and the Vietnamese family who own the shop will start speaking louder. It’s kind of humorous. I can pick up on body language, so sometimes I’ll ask whoever is speaking which customer that was about. They look at me and laugh, but I can tell. Last week, my “girl” was doing my nails and I told her I wanted to travel. She told me anytime I went to her country, I could stay for free in her place. I could visit her mother and she would cook for me. I grinned like a maniac. Awesome. I would love that! My dream trip idea to visit other countries could only be made better by having a local person there to help me know what I was doing or eating for that matter. I took great pride in researching Spain before I went so as not to do anything well, “touristy”. I also researched England and read about the vast history before visiting, but I could visit England every year and learn something new. Sigh. I have been once. But hey, that’s one more time than zero. I have friends around the globe, so this dream is totally possible.
Anyway, my dreams are my motivation for this upcoming year. DREAM BIG. Believe.