SO last week, someone tried to steal my joy. I like that saying only because my old Principal would look at me and say “No one is going to steal the “J” from my JOY.” She said no matter what was going on, when I passed her in the hall, I would make eye contact and say hello. If I passed her 5 times, I’d say hello 5 times. Or how you doing? She would always be walking with intent to get somewhere, but I knew she had lots going on, so I would make sure I said hello.
Life is like that. Sometimes, we forget that other people have lots going on too. We want to think we are the only ones mired down in this life. We lose sight of the bigger picture. We lose sight of humanity. Our focus goes from global to microscopic. We start to doubt that there is a place for us in this world at times. The demons of negativity come out. She hates me. She isn’t here for me because she didn’t say hello this week. Well, I’ll show her. I’ll delete her. Chances are, she has no idea why you are doing that, but go ahead. If it makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead.
Then there are the huge declarations on your social sites…in one week, I am deleting my account!!! Waits for people to beg them to stay to see if anyone cares. Or my favorite, no, not at ALL. The FML status. They wait for people to say “Ohhhh girl, what’s wrong?”, but sometimes, sometimes, people forget that others are doing the best they can at that moment too, so your grand display on social media might not be noticed. However, I bet if you called someone or even private messaged someone and said, hey, I really need someone to talk to. I am not feeling the love over here. Then, just maybe then, you would get the response you wanted.
The problem is, no one wants to OWN their story. That’s right. If this were fixed, my life would be so much better. If I didn’t have blah, blah-blah, I’d be great. If such and such liked me, I would be fine. But the real deal is, once it’s fixed, something else is going to break. If you didn’t have one thing, you’d have another. And if that person did like you, you might still have problems. So start with yourself. Focus on loving yourself. Believing in yourself. Trusting yourself. And saying HELL YES, I can do this. This might be a hard thing, but I can do this. Smile at people. Say hi 5 times. Even if they ignore you or look away. Don’t let anyone steal your joy. Not even you. NOT EVEN YOU.