Self Expression Magazine

…Muddle Through

Posted on the 18 December 2016 by Zer @the2women

…Muddle ThroughWith exactly one week to go until Christmas, I know most of you don’t have much time to spare. So, I’ll keep this relatively short.

There are lists to check, and then check again. There are presents to buy, wrap, and ship. There are meals to prep, baking to be done, and a million other little pieces that go into making Christmas special for everyone.

It can be stressful, but as Stephanie pointed out yesterday, you will get through this with your grace and poise in tact. But before you get back to taking care of everyone and everything else, here’s something for you–your own personal mental vacation.

I know there’s still things to check off that list, but you deserve a five-minute break (at least).

First, a little hope.

And in the likely event that hope is crushed tomorrow, something silly and heartwarming.

Sorry, that’s all we have time for. After all, there’s a lot to get done. In case no one says it, thank you for all you do. It’s appreciated. Good luck and godspeed as you finish up your holiday shopping.

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