Before MKL went bonkers days ago (which was entirely my own fault), my last post was about joining 112 (I planned on signing up with just a handful but I got carried away!) paid -to-click sites but never got to write updates on them.
Some of these sites have turned out to be scams and have since shut down. However, there were others that have proven to be legitimate. It all turned out well for me: after all the craziness at work, I only have time to religiously click on a handful although I have to admit there were also some months when I didn’t click at all!
Among the PTC sites I remained faithful to was Neobux. The site launched in 2008 and has since been paying its members for every click and referral made through their program. Since joining them in September 2011, I have received several, albeit small, paymentsso it shouldn’t be a surprise that I kept going back to them LOL.
I have since gotten my 6th and 7th payments but I will be posting about them later on. In the meantime, check out my first 5 payment proofs after the jump!
1st Neobux Payment – November 15, 2011 – $5.37
2nd Neobux Payment – December 05, 2011 – $3.01
3rd Neobux Payment – December 11, 2011 – $4.02
4th Neobux Payment – December 17, 2011 – $5.02
5th Neobux Payment – December 27, 2011 – $6.13
I noticed that the last 3 payments in this batch came several days apart. WOW! This totally makes me regret my hiatus between the 5th and 6th payments. Had I continued clicking in the interim, I would have earned much more! But never mind, I’ll make up for it however I can.
What about you? If you are a fellow Neobux clicker, please share your experience with them below. If not and you want to give it a try, just click the banner at the top of this post or here to sign up. You’ve got nothing to lose, only much to gain. I’m a free member and I’m still earning so you can too!