Self Expression Magazine

My Break up with Sugar and Gluten…

Posted on the 01 April 2015 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand
My break up with sugar and gluten…FYI...I originally wrote this for a magazine, well actually an e-zine that has published me before, but I am not sure if they actually published this piece, and quite frankly, I like it. Plus, sigh, I write for free anyway. So here it is: The Burned Hand

A little over three years ago, I began to notice food was not my friend. It was a difficult concept and one I ignored for a long time in hopes that my instincts were wrong. Sadly, they were not. I started to have stomach pains, headaches, irritable bowel symptoms and more. Never in my life had I bloated from eating bread...until now. I was beginning to see a pattern so I scheduled an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The only thing he could really say was my stomach appeared to be having problems digesting food...and that I was NOT celiac. Okay, but that didn't answer my questions...

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