This post wrote itself many times last night while I was trying to sleep and I wouldn’t get up to write it. A bruise forms when the soft tissue of your body gets bumped. I have a lot of bruises…sad to say. I was thinking about how much this one in particular hurt, and how I was comparing it to the others. All of a sudden, I thought about someone who has never let their bruise heal. They seem to be unable to let it go through the stages of healing. Am I like that? Do I carry a grudge because things keep happening to me? I think I do.
This person comes across as sad, and angry. They don’t seem to want to heal. They are mad at the world. I thought about something a friend said…I need to continue to be polite to them because they can’t help it. It never was about me. I know that. So I’m not going to play the game of my pain is more than yours…you win. Your bruise hurts more because you don’t allow yourself to heal and I can see that now. That is not how I want to live, so I am moving forward. It is not easy, but then again, no one ever said it would be. My bruise is fading already.