November 4, 2003 around 11:30 my tummy hurts and I thought I was only having an upset stomach. I went to the bathroom and tried to withdraw but nothing happen. On my 3rd visit in the bathroom I was alarmed, I saw a pinkish mucous with my urine (mucous plug)and called my mom to check it because I was afraid something is wrong with me but my mom asked me if I can handle to go downstairs and she explains that what I saw was a sign of labor already. I was afraid because my due date is November 27 by UTZ and December 5 by LMP. It's 3 weeks early and I was young to know that what you read from pregnancy books is different from the actual setting.
Around 3 am (Novemeber 5, 2003) when I feel a more tremendous contractions and the duration became more closer to one another. I dressed up and went downstairs to prepare myself. I told my brother to come also with mom because he is close to me, I like seeing my brother around I feel safer. I wanted to stay at home and wishing the contractions will wear off and it will not be my day of giving birth because it's not yet time, I told myself.
4:30 am I can't take it anymore and decided to go straight to the nearest hospital which is Dr. Fe Del Mundo Medical Center http://wikimapia.org/897744/Dr-Fe-Del-Mundo-Medical-Center-General-Hospital.
5:30 am finally got admitted and they observed me in the labor room. It is exhausting, feeling the contractions 3-5 times in every 10 minutes and lasted 40-60 seconds, the 3 doctors who were checking me, things attached to me and a nurse asking my history. I just wanted to go and release my sorrow but they can't because I'm only 8cm, they can't prevent the true labor itself and it's not my due yet. I was scared for my baby and myself when I heard them talking with my mom about incubator and so on that I can't vaguely understand because of my pain and I was already delusional.
7:20 am when I actually set up in the delivery room and the table was really cold for my naked skin. As I was instructed to push after a count of 10 and they will count again another 10 while I push, I tried to reach 6 but I am out of breath most of the time so they put another distracting tube around my nose for oxygen supply. When I was resting after each push I fall into a very irresistible sleep but it wakes me up immediately by the sound of the stir ups I am holding.

Finally, 8:26 am I pushed every inch of my soul and body as strong as I can to bring her out in this world. When I heard her cry I know she is ok and safe. I tried to open my eyes and searched for her, I saw her in the hands of Dr. De Guzman and she smiled to me saying "It's a girl". I fell into really deep sleep like as if I was just a dream.

2:00 pm when I woke up laying in the delivery room and saw a man nearby sleeping in the long chair. He woke up when I called him asking where is my baby, "She is in the nursery. Do you want me to transfer you in your room?" he asked me and I nod. In my room I saw my ex-bf sitting there waiting. He hugged me and smiled saying how wonderful and cute our baby is. I wanted to kick him for that, because I wanted to see my baby yet I can't barely move myself and walk all the way from my room to the nursery. He decided to get a wheel chair and wheel me to the nursery. I saw like 20 babies in the bassinet but one of them has this unique eyes which captured my heart. I looked at her as she is fast asleep. I want to kiss her, smell her and hold her in my arms but the glass window is blocking us.
9:30 pm when they roomed in my baby and she is so beautiful. I wanted to hold her forever. The feeling of seeing a part of you blinking, breathing, smiling, crying and all was inevitably unbelievable. For being a mother is nothing to compare and never be equal to anything in this world.

After 10 years of that very moment is also her 10th birthday +charlice tacis. I will always cherish the day you came into my life. You are my one and only treasure that I will trade everything just to keep you safe. I love you my lovely daughter and I will always be your father and mother and angel for you are a gift from God.