Creativity Magazine

My Godzilla-Sized Blog Fail

Posted on the 30 June 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Last year, I confessed some of Awkward WordPress Moments– including prematurely rejoicing about my own comments, confusing blogger identities because of similar themes, publishing unfinished posts, awkward pingbacks, and unfollowing instead of liking– and in the last 6 months, I’ve accumulated quite a few more.

The worst of which happened last night when I realized I’ve widely distributed, to search engines and other blogs, the WRONG blog address.

godzilla facepalm

You see, my email address is, and my fairly neglected tumblr is– and apparently the auto-fill on my browswer was set to:

I’d like to say I noticed this on my own, but nope– a friend let me know. Double fail.

Luckily, I have that other blog URL because a long time ago, I worried myself into thinking that I might need it for something someday. It was just blank, so I put up a quick post directing people back here– and in the meantime, I’ll go back through the submission forms that I can, and try to fix the error.

The funny thing is that “Check the information” is rule #1 of design. I don’t think I’ve ever forgotten for a client.

Maybe I should pay myself so I don’t make silly errors!


Have you had any *face palm* blogging moments?

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