Self Expression Magazine

My Mailbox is Getting All Cultural Again

Posted on the 15 September 2013 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo
The city of orchids, a fish with a lion head and REALLY good street food.

The city of orchids, a fish with a lion head and REALLY good street food.


Check it out! Singapore has come to say hello!

I have been to Singapore a number of times but mostly passing through. I have had a couple of stopovers going for multiple days and as such have had the opportunity to check it out a bit.

Singapore is always warm, ALWAYS. Well it’s more humid which I love but I know many others don’t fancy it so much. Even so, there are some really cool things about this little island city-state.

Like the shopping for one AND my favourite: the street food. One of the great things about street food in Singapore is that you aren’t living dangerously by eating it. They have some pretty strict health regulations so it has all the benefits of locally cooked flavor and bargain prices with none of the nasties. They also have a wicked variety as the Singaporean population is made up predominantly of Singaporean Malays, Singaporean Indian and Singaporean Chinese. In short this means you get really great quality Indian, Chinese and Malaysian food.

My postcard today is from the lovely Sheila over at Mummyshymz. Sheila is blogging about her experiences as a FTWM of two darling children.  She has loads of great stuff on her blog, like this fascinating piece about right brain education which I’d never heard of before and this post about learning sight words. Hop on over and have a squiz whenever you get the chance!

Have a great day!



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