Of course everyone in the blogosphere has shared their highs and lows in the past year and maybe shed a tear while recalling the year that was. However for me, 2012 passed by like an unusual scent, for a minute it caught my attention but quickly faded into nowhere. It was simply not my year. But for people around me, it was. Mag passed the NLE last February and ate tied the knot this December. Mama came home for good and papa was elected as president of the electric cooperative in our province. Many things have happened in their lives. Yet me? I'm still here, quiet but thankful and blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people.
So today, I'd like to dedicate this year-ender post to people who made my year. I decided to pick men just because and also because I was inspired by a newspaper article that I read this morning hehe. Friends, here are my men of the year:

My brother whom I'm very proud of. He is our (legitimate) eldest but was the last one to graduate from college. He went through a lot of trouble back in the days. But last year, he got a job and is now living his life. He'd regularly send us allowance or anything that he knows will make us happy. He redeemed himself and I couldn't be anymore prouder as his sister.

I call him 'sib' because I think of him as my brother from another mother. I cannot remember how our brotherhood came to life but I do recall that we've been friends since first year in college. He has always been a good friend. He pays attention to every detail of my stories and always makes time. We practically agree on anything, and if we don't we'd try hard to argue until we'd be on the same side. I've always been his supporter. And last year, he and his soul-mate Cri officially announced their relationship, after 6 months of his soul searching. I am happy that he got himself back and found someone who is proud to have him.

This mukhang snabero guy is the type that you would not want to hang out with. At first. Or that guy that your daddy warned you about. I never expected Philips to be one of my closest friends. EVER. I had a bad impression on him and it was on fourth year in college that I came to like his company. He's sweet albeit annoying, very thoughtful and always been romantic. You'd think that he doesn't care at all but when the going gets tough, you'll see him on the frontline. Last year he took a break from law school for personal reasons. Instead of sulking in the corner or being wasted, he told me to do my best because he knows I can do it. He encouraged me more and promised to pursue law in the future.

I love kuya Albert. I can't imagine how my life at school would be without him. He's very funny but always been a worrier. I like him because I sort of see myself in him. His doubts, fears and happiness are almost the same as mine. I can always be myself with him. In a world where everyone's a merciless predator, I find peace with him. He's always been true and friendly.

Kuya Alfred is one smart man. He never fails to get into my nerves with all his mayabang effect but I cannot deny how smart and kind he is. He always shares what he knows and helps in every way he can. He is like my brother, he'd tease me for being ignorant but would later on share his knowledge. And then boast about it afterwards haha.

Oh I am privileged to be friends with Kurt. Yep, privileged. Kurt is that guy whom everybody wants to be friends with. He's very talented, stylish and humble (considering his prominent status in life). He's so much more actually. I knew him during our first year enrollment. He talked to me first (proof of him being friendly hehe) and became my first non-UPian friend in law school. It was only last year though that we actually bonded! Before it was just simple exchange of hi and hello, now we can go on all day debating on every petty thing.

Our school is awesome because of this guy. When he walks down the hall or enters a room, he lets out this air of joy and hope. I always smile whenever I see him, even in my loneliest times. His optimism and determination is something that I hope to acquire. He never runs out of energy, and if he does, you hardly notice. Tian never made me feel that I'm an outsider. He is the friendliest guy I've ever met.

Last but definitely not the least, the boyfriend. This guy is the best thing that happened to me last year and the year before that. Biases aside, Ambin is the most patient and understanding guy I know. He is man that tumblr posts are referring to - the ideal guy. And I'm so lucky to have him. He is and forever my man of the year. ♥
Thank you to these guys for "spicing up" my monotonous life. May you continue to be a blessing not just to me but to all others who love you. :)