I like to take quotes from television shows or movies and use them all the time, however I want, and very often out of context.
It tends to be the least popular quotes that really stick with me, though, and so it’s fairly normal for some my renditions of these quotes to fly right past the listener. But despite the fact that few people ever recognize them, and despite evidence that there may be more popular quotes out there–
I love these quotes with all my heart and I intend to use them forever and ever.
1. “I know my man!”
Right after this scene, Rachel says, “I know my man!” and I say that phrase all the time because my husband is very particular. People will ask, “Do you think Dave cares which piece of cheese he gets?” and I say, “Yes, he wants that one.”
Inevitably, Dave will walk in the room and point at the other piece of cheese and say, “What’s wrong with that one? It looks evil.”
And I smile smugly and say, “I know my man!”
I also use this for “I know my blog!” and “I know my boss!”, and “I know my cats!”, during all those moments where they are strange in a way that is mystifying to others but perfectly understandable to me.
2. You came back wrong!
I have no idea how we fit this into as many conversations as we do, but Dave and I both overuse this phrase. It comes up all the time.
Me: Did we change the fabric softener?
Dave: No, why?
Me: I dunno, but my blanket feels weird.
Together: It came back wrong!!!
3. Ah haaaa!
This should probably be number 1, but I just couldn’t decide which part of Coming to America I quote the most, and which was the least popular to quote. It was a close tie between this and the reply to “Not everything thinks like you”. ( “*snap* Yes they do, they just don’t admit it!” )
4. I don’t mean I collect ears– I don’t have, like, a bucket of ears hidden away somewhere.

Jeff from Coupling. Obviously not a screen shot, but this image captured the essence of the moment best. (source)
This one is always a fitting end to a long ramble that didn’t quite make sense. If you are already not making sense, I figure you might as well reassure everyone that you do not collect ears in a bucket.
5. … or I’ll call the Brute Squad.
I quote everything from this movie, but this is the line I say the most often that most people don’t notice comes from Princess Bride.
Now, go on.
Comment and tell me what movie quotes you most abuse– or I’ll call the Brute Squad.
(See what I did there? Ah haaaaa!)
PS: If you enjoyed this post, you might enjoy Q&A over at TheMatticusKingdom where he regularly bandies about irregular and popular quotes into a fabulous series. Click here for the series, and click here to wish his highness an only-slightly-belated happy blogiversary.