Diaries Magazine

My Weight Watchers Trial

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Eugenal @MRoyalDisaster

Hello there!
I’m on another weight loss trial. This is the third time I’m trying to lose weight this year, and previous trials weren’t very successful.
During the last trial, the initial detox period lasted about two weeks and I experienced bad breath, headaches, dizziness, chills, mental fogginess, almost zero libido, and problems with concentration. I heroically came over the initial period hoping that the results would be awesome, but they were not as brilliant as I expected. It was grapefruit diet by the way.
Actually, this is a starvation diet and the results should be significant and instant, but I’m having some hormonal issues and standard weight loss plans don’t work for me.
I’ve tried Atkins, Cabbage soup, raw food… They gave me some results, but as it always happens with diet plans, not everything that makes us lose ponds keeps our weight stable.
This time, I decided to try Weight Watchers. I’m not brilliant with organization and planning, and there’s no one around to help me with my trials and control me. Hopefully, this one will be effective. I’ve read lots of positive feedbacks and success stories and the whole thing seems to be very inspirational.
I started my trial 4 days ago and I feel pretty normal now (aside from an unstable yo-yoing of my alertness and emotional state) as compared to my previous trials. The system works great and it’s awesome to get all this support and understanding from people who DO KNOW what I’m coming through.
A little lyrical digression: I’ve been overweight for pretty much my entire life. No one in my family is obese and all my relatives are always wondering like “why are you fat?” It’s not typical for our family. Thus, no one really understands me. All my friends and fairly fit and skinny as well, and when they see me struggling with weight issue, they always tell me like “Hey, just stop eating, food is not so important”. You don’t say! As if I didn’t know that. They just don’t know this addiction, these cravings, this obsession. It seems to be easy to them, but to me, it’s a completely different story. That’s why I chose Weight Watchers – that’s the only way for me to get some support, and you know that my obesity is a psychological issue rather than physical.
I’ve been having a hard time counting Weight Watchers points though. I’m not good at such sort of things, but I’m practicing and doing my best to get the grasp of things as quickly as possible to make it a part of my life that comes as natural as breathing.
This article helped me to figure out how to calculate those scores, and the girls from Weight Watchers are being very nice. They patiently explain how this system works, and I feel like they’re becoming my family.
On the completion of the trial, I’m planning to skip to vegan diet for a while to maintain my weight. I don’t want to make it a lifetime commitment though, but at least it will stop me from going to Macdonald’s. So, wish me luck! Maybe, this will be my last journey to my ideal weight. I really hope so and I’m ready for the changes.

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