My love, I want to remind you that yo are most precious gift I have ever had...
There was once a time when post was the only medium to stay in touch with the loved and dear ones. People used to wait for days, months and even years for that one letter from someone they missed. I truly miss that essence these days.

Technologies have converted the waiting time to less than a second and we can always see and talk face to face with anyone any-where in the world. Still, there are some things which cannot be replaced.
Time and again I have expressed my love for letters. See the posts here:
Posts which reminded me of Letters.
This post is thus dedicated to National Post Day - India celebrated on 10th October. Britishers gave this gift to India in 1774 which is still a medium of communications in many places.
Did you know that the India Post is among the largest postal networks around the world?
When was the last time you received a letter from some one - not the official posts and reminders, an actual letter!