Happy Christmas Eve!!!
It's Christmas Eve and I'm excited. Today I will be hopefully staring a new tradition of having people over for Christmas Eve. If you've been reading here a while then you'll remember that entertaining is something that I basically never do. I'm not having a lot of people over just my mom, my brother's family, a cousin, and maybe a friend or two. It should be a good time. My place is cleaner than it has been in months thanks to Pine-Sol , Lysol, and Bleach. Tomorrow I will prepare the feast!!! OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration Tomorrow I will cook the food..
One of the things I really enjoyed as a kid was seeing all of my extended family on Christmas day. That does not happen any more as the older generation has gotten... older. And the younger generation is spread out. So this is the right time for me to start this new tradition. The holidays are not easy but they can be easier when we focus on what we can do to make it more Joyful. Sharing a meal and my home fore a few hours will make the holiday more Joyful for me.
How are you celebrating Christmas? Are you doing anything different this year to make it more Joyful?