Self Expression Magazine

New Year Sunshine - Hunting Henry

Posted on the 03 January 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
New Year sunshine - hunting Henry
Christmas - check.
New Year - check.
Back to work - bugger!
How much longer can we drag the festive season out? Well folklore dictates another three days with the Christmas tree, before a year long hex falls on your house.
In an attempt to eek things out just a little bit longer, today's blog looks over my shoulder at yesterdays view.
I am a lucky girl. When I met Tris, not only did I find a proper gem. I gained a fantastic new family - who just happen to live in the world's most fabulous location. Result!
Dodging small children busy falling off their new Christmas bikes, these photos were taken from our sunny walk across Bushy Park yesterday to Hampton Court Palace - former crib of King Henry VIII. 

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Bushy Royal Park - literally on my in-laws door step (and location of Olympic cycling time trial)

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

I told your the trees were full of parakeets - rumoured to have escaped from BBC studios many years ago.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Mistletoe - sadly Tris refused to shin up and get me any!

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Only one thing to do under that eh!

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Walking through into Hampton Court.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Wonderful, beautiful Hampton Court in the winter sun.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

More mistletoe - maybe that's the secret behind Henry's lust?

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Hell would have to freeze over before you got me on skates.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

More my kind of transport.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Go and visit Hampton Court - it's lovely.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

I tried to say no, but they force fed me waffles.

New Year sunshine - hunting Henry

Not a bad way to start 2012!

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