Continuing in my theme for “No”vember, is my new no-nonsense attitude. I am rather surprised by it myself, but it is there nevertheless. To demonstrate where I think it came from, I need to take you back a few years. If you have been following my blog for a while, you know that I started this blog as a way to vent what happens to me, and how I deal with that. Mostly it was because I couldn’t believe that one person could have such luck with their health. My blog color was all goth like back then…ha. I changed it to a grunge look and gradually I decided it needed a look all of its own…one that looks like a lesson.
Just because I don’t talk about it every single day doesn’t mean that I am not still in pain. I try very hard to act like it doesn’t bother me…there are only a few people I don’t do this with. If you are one of those people, thank you. During the summer, a new worry arose and I dealt with it quietly. I didn’t realize the effect it had on those around me or me for that matter. When you are told you are having a biopsy, it scares the shit out you. The “C” word does that.
It made my husband more possessive of me. I like it. Yes, I do. Sometimes, through no fault of our own, we can start to take things for granted. I’m not saying he did, we did that to each other. Relationships need to be cultivated and nurtured. Just because it is there, doesn’t mean it is flourishing.
Because of this change, other people in my life started to look different to me. People who take what they have for granted have become sources of frustration for me. I am trying to be patient with them, but I have found I don’t really have time for nonsense. Each day there is something to learn. If you haven’t learned anything from your old nonsense by now, what good will dwelling on it do?
“Even the smallest victory is never to be taken for granted. Each victory must be applauded…”
~Audre Lorde