Pssst. There are some really cool bloggers following me. Thanks! My husband mentioned he never gets notified by e-mail that I have published anything. Hmmm. Strange, check your settings. Well, if you found this page and like what I have to say, thank you for reading. Here is the next installment in my “No”vember series:
The path not taken
Tiny travelers
Leaf Collecting
The Spy
My daughter woke me up this morning so we could go walk on the trail. We let other people pass us by that were in “jogging” mode because I wasn’t in a hurry today. We collected leaves, made the dog a skirt of them actually, and looked around for spies. They were everywhere, but I only caught one pretending not to notice us. We had no worries today, and it should be that way everyday, but you must train your mind to look beyond what is wrong in your life and find what is right. On our walk, we found an abandoned boat. Maybe they just weren’t getting anywhere and decided to take the scenic route.
Leave the sinking ship behind
“Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.“ ~Deepak Chopra