Self Expression Magazine

None Other but My Wife

Posted on the 20 November 2012 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

Welcome to my site. You may want to check out my book, "Kill Me Now!". Thanks for visiting!

None other but my Wife

Last week, Lawrence Fisher asked me if I would do a guest spot on his blog and write something about my dating past. I laughed, telling him that it would be quite a challenge for a man who has been married for the past 30 years of his life, to write something of his dating past. Especially since the biggest reason for the longevity of my relationship to my wife has been that I avoid such topics. As far as she and I are concerned, I have no dating past. It’s always been my loving wife and only her.

I have read Lawrence Fisher’s book, Kill Me Now and although we tend to see the story from the narrator’s point of view, I can’t help but think that there are three sides to every story; his, hers, and the truth. Can all of Lawrence’s bad luck with women be attributed to the women in his stories. Not all of it. The very fact that he thought I would write about my dating past, (which there is none), thirty years into my marriage and take a chance of disrupting the harmony my wife and I enjoy, explains why he is still searching for that life long partner of his.  I mean, come on, if I told those stories, I would end up on Lawrence’s doorstep like Felix Unger on Oscar Madison’s, carrying nothing but my suitcase and a frying pan.

In all fairness, I have to say that if I did have a dating past, (which there is none), I am glad it is just that; my past! I’m sure many of us have experienced the ‘puking girl’! Like some kamikaze pilot who didn’t know when to pull back on the stick, she drank way too much and spiraled out of control. I was such a wonderful guy for holding her hair back while she puked in the snow.

How many of us have run into their dates ex-boyfriends while on the date. Concerned, she whispered to me from across the table, “He wouldn’t dare bring his gun in here.” I remember thinking that he probably kept it in the car and would use it on us when we left. The fact that I am alive to write this article is a testament to my ability to skillfully handle such situations. We left the restaurant through the back door and came back for the car later.

Come to think of it, I am glad that is all behind me. I am lucky to have found the love of my life. My wife and I have shared many wonderful things together and I would marry her all over again. She is more beautiful than the day I married her, and she was so very hot then. So I speak the truth when I say that if I had never married and continued to date, I would probably have found myself back at that restaurant, looking up my date’s ex only to tell him, to just, Kill Me Now!

Bill Talcott is the author of The Mission, the first in the Remnants of the Past series. He is currently working on the second book in the series, Shield of Health. He hopes to begin work on the third book in the series, Alone I Break, sometime after the beginning of 2013. Other interests include Fishing, building computers and gaming on them. I have also been known to collect graphic novels and toys. Yes, your Dear Old Uncle Bill is a real Geek!

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