And then the universe drops an absolute sitter into my lap.
Today is the wonderful, Wonderbra National Cleavage Day.
According to The Daily Star (no of course I didn't buy it - I'm far too high brow for that), Holly Willoughby tops the 'nicest norks' list, followed by Scarlett Johansson,Beyoncé, Rihanna and Marilyn Monroe.
Apparently, the perfect cleavage is a combination of perkiness, how close they sit together and size.
As someone who apparently frightened one of my wedding guests so much by the magnificence of my cleavage, that she was too scared to talk to me - I'm with this one all the way.

To celebrate, today I will be wearing my best bra and a very low top to The Trafford Centre. I might do some leaning over as well.
So come on girls, get those bad boy bangers out and celebrate National Cleavage Day!
"Hello Boys!"