Diaries Magazine

North of Scotland: Being There.

Posted on the 23 October 2011 by Threesixfive @MamaChaser
So if you haven't already read 'part one' of our little trip then go here to read it.
So...if you've read part one you'll be up to speed that we took our 19/nearly 20 month old on a long journey on public transport and all was well (kind of) by the end of the trip. 
I'm going to admit that I never took a lot of photos while we were away because I was so distracted or busy. But here's what I did get...
North of Scotland: Being there.
So...after our trip we got to my parents lovely house. Where we froze for the night until we figured out the heating. 
I had a few things to take care of while we were up there but once I was done, I spent time with the two of them. We'd huddle around the TV and catch up with Quantum Leap or Raising Hope (two of the best TV shows made, I think.) 
North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.
Roman loved the zoo up there. On the first few days the cats were very wary of him, every time he'd shout 'CAT!' and chase after them they were like speeding bullets out a gun. By the fourth day they would let him clap them. He was very careful and gentle with them. Shadow was the opposite. At first she would be okay with him, but then as time wore on her growls got louder. One time she even 'herded' him by butting her head on his side.
This called for splitting the room in two - Fort Roman was made...
North of Scotland: Being there.
More pictures...with a little narration. 
North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.
One of the days we went into town. We waited an hour for a bus.North of Scotland: Being there.The bus finally showed...North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there. (1) inside the sweet shop, loads of chocolate-inspired mugs. (2) 1,000 welcomes. (3) Thistle bag.I really enjoy going to this sweet shop when I'm in Thurso. Pretty much all of their sweets/candy aren't vegan, but it's how I remember sweet shops; hard boiled sweets and other goodies in jars, known as 'quarters.' North of Scotland: Being there.Something Scandinavian about this...North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.Bryan bought himself some chips...so we gave Roman his first chippy chip. He was a fan so had another. I think, when he's a lot older, we'll have chippies every so often. I hadn't wanted to give Roman any chocolate or junk foods as obesity, heart disease and other problems relating to food are such a huge problem in Scotland but I figure if we are sensible about it and show Roman how to manage his eating then we can't go wrong - that is far healthier than trying to not give him these things ever. Could he live without these things? Yes. Of course. But if we, the parents, are going to eat these foods then it would be hypocritical not to allow them. North of Scotland: Being there.And since we're talking about food. This is how vegans cook anything that requires eggs (although, not really, I just use oil when I don't have egg replacer.)North of Scotland: Being there.North of Scotland: Being there.And it comes up looking like wall paper paste. Yummy wall paper paste. Mmm.North of Scotland: Being there.{Peanut butter and chocolate button cookies - not a fan of the buttons but there were hardly any in there.}To finish: some yummy 'cakies' which were meant to be cookies but baked big and cake-like.

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