Creativity Magazine

Oh Rara Why

Posted on the 23 April 2016 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

This is not the first post idea I've stolen from , but she's awesome and she probably won't mind me nabbing another. Plus, did it too, and I loved both posts. It's all about 50 Little Things you might not know about me.

The only thing is that they always write about lots of things, whereas I mostly write about myself- so I don't know what you could possibly not know about me. We'll find out. I'm timing this post because I like to live on the edge.

  1. I don't actually like to live on the edge. I'm pretty much the opposite of a wild woman.
  2. I answer to any name. Literally, any name. I will answer to your name. I will answer when you are calling your dog. I will answer to names that sound like mine and ones that sound nothing like a name at all.
  3. I have a will that includes management of my online accounts and relationships. I have no money to leave people (anymore? yet?) but I at least keep a list of those who should be notified before a Facebook announcement.
  4. I am mercurial. I can be angry one second, and laughing the next. This tends to surprise people who know me mostly online.
  5. Mint toothpaste makes me gag. That includes kissing someone who just brushed their teeth with the stuff, and walking into a bathroom that smells like it. Strangely, I love real mint and even mint gum or candy. Also strangely, nothing else I can think of makes me gag.
  6. Most of my favorite product brands and television shows are made in London, or by Brits. It's not on purpose.
  7. I almost always have a beverage in my hand.
  8. I shave my finger hair.
  9. I look up the etymology, pronunciation, or uses of at least one word, every day.
  10. While I think everyone is very beautiful, I am attracted to very few. Awkwardly few.
  11. I am always reading.
  12. My wardrobe is very limited. I have noticed a trend called a "Capsule Wardrobe" that suggests you can make it 3 months out of the year with 33 pieces. Of course you can. I've done longer with less my whole life.
  13. I rarely eat Indian food.
  14. I will not bother a waiter if my food is cold or incorrect, but I will call them over to refill my drink or provide a straw.
  15. In real life, I talk about sex, and sometimes swear.
  16. One time I bit into a date full of live maggots. I still eat dates.
  17. I have never smoked cigarettes or tried any drug, excluding alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine I abuse wildly. My alcohol consumption, I can still count in sips.
  18. I take rejection ridiculously well.
  19. I listen to Christmas music all year long.
  20. I've never broken a bone.
  21. I've won a few dozen writing competitions, under various names. Though my writing has been rejected from hundreds and hundreds of websites, journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, and publishing houses- I've always placed somewhere in any writing competition I've entered.
  22. I rarely tell anyone my name, unless they ask.
  23. I can't vote. (Felon.)
  24. I regularly unfriend people on Facebook, for sharing or posting things that would have upset Dave, even though he's no longer here to upset.
  25. My arms muscle very easily. If you see them flabbing, you can be absolutely sure I haven't done anything more robust than hold a book for a week.
  26. I have no idea what I look like. In many pictures, I look very different, and I really don't know which is more accurate to you. I also forget that I'm brown.
  27. I wrote poems on nearly everything I studied, from prepositions and Greek gods to trigonometry.
  28. I speak really quickly. For years and years, faster than the faster talker in the Guinness Book of World Records. I think I was outpaced in 2011.
  29. I bite my nails.
  30. I'm a very good secretary.
  31. My morning yoga routine also combines pilates and kickboxing, which I've found to be the most anxiety-relieving mixture of movement.
  32. I get canker sores. They aren't herpes, contagious, or busted lips from an abuser I'm protecting. They're simple blisters that usually just pop up when my dry lips crack.
  33. I'm 66″ tall. When I started this blog, I accidentally typed 60″ in my about page. It's very confusing.
  34. I'll pick potatoes (in any form) over any other food, so I have to be careful on the order I eat. It's not uncommon for me to fill up on my fries and be too full to eat the entrée.
  35. I'd rather wear heels.
  36. I carry floss. Since you already know how amazing my bladder is, if I excuse myself to use the restroom, it's probably to floss.
  37. I apply industry or subculture terms to all circumstances. I have to explain the first time, but then there's a basic reference point.
  38. I'm one of six kids. The gender order is the same as the Brady Bunch. I'd be Jan.
  39. There are some people out there who think I'm a jerk.
  40. I can listen to two things at the same time, or one song on repeat. This drives other people up the wall.
  41. My bra strap is always falling down.
  42. Christopher Reeve was the only celebrity death that really knocked me senseless.
  43. I don't care for diamonds. I like color, metal, and movement.
  44. I don't dance. The closest thing you will ever see is the occasional slow dance with a toddler, or a twirl around in a foofy skirt.
  45. I love the zoo, but I'd rather not go with kids.
  46. Part of my parole is a 50 mile radius restriction. I am hoping my parole will be lifted on July 18th, 2016. That will be my real freedom date.
  47. I am counting May 6th as the anniversary of Dave's death, and the anniversary of my incarceration.
  48. Almost everything I own today was gifted. Thank you.
  49. I am prone to absolutely debilitating bouts of hyperbole.
  50. Cantaloop by US3 has been on every musical playlist I've made for myself since its release in 1993. I really have no idea why. I guess I love it?

Yikes! That was not easy. Your turn. Tell me things. I'm nosy. Oh, and the title comes from the name of my Spotify playlist...

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