So I was thinking.
I have a computer now (long story...just...long story) and I have a regular job that's only like 30 hours a week. And I miss blogging. And I would love to really try to build this sucker up again.
What would you guys say if I wanted to blog a lot again? It might mean that the posts aren't all good. I mean if I'm trying to blog a lot whether or not I have some awesome story to tell, you might run into some crappier posts. Like this one. Or this one.
Shut up, sometimes I think weird things are funny.
But I can tell that you're all being super sweet and understanding and are also totes bummed. And I'm bummed. I mean there's a reason that I just slowed down, and never stopped completely. I love this blog. It's the first time in a LONG time I've had a way to publish my writing, and more than that, it's an expression of myself in a very real, raw, and blatant manner. I decided I give no fucks and will say what I want to! Right here on the internet! I will write and draw whatever I want to, regardless of crassness, regardless of artistic quality. And people will laugh, and love me for it.
So bold! So brash! So Fox!
I might need your help. I might need you to comment on purpose and tell me how wonderful and funny I am, especially at first. I might need you to participate in polls, quizzes, contests, that sort of thing. I might need you guys to rally up and support my epic return!! Because as we all know, Sam struggles with self-confidence and might need a little extra boost to really know that her shit is working.
Comment and let me know what you think! I'll also GLADLY take suggestions for content, layout, marketing, etc.
A blog FOR the people, (contributed to in small helpful ways) BY the people!
You guys are awesome, even if you don't do any of that shit and just read this and chuckle at the penis picture and feel a little sense of happiness that maybe Sam is actually back.
Peace out.