Diaries Magazine

On Writing

Posted on the 03 June 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
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Last week, Corinne of Everyday Gyaan tagged me in her post “A Struggle Against Silence: My Writing Process Blog Hop

I am honored!

On Writing

I dare to dream.  All the time. That’s how I found my dream job – writing – something I wouldn’t have imagined say, twenty years ago!

Just recently, when I wrote on the A to Z blog about “Why I Write”, I said,

Writing is a wonderful outlet, liberating, opening up new perspectives and teaching tolerance. When I go back and read something I wrote years ago, I enjoy seeing how I have learned and grown, and changed. Sometimes, I am proud of what I wrote and sometimes, I feel like I could have done a better job of it.

One of my earliest writing exercises was diary writing. My Mom always encouraged me to keep a journal. It improved my language, my vocabulary and my confidence. It also helped me learn better at school. Above all, it kept my mind well-ventilated, stress-free and positive. It improved my memory and fed my creativity.

Vidya Sury on writing 1

Diary writing is far more than a way of exorcising one’s unhappiness. The effect is extraordinary. Distanced on paper, troubles shrink to their true size. You can regard them objectively and see how temporary they are”….Devi, my Mother

One of the things I am proud of, about my writing, is I rarely worry about what people might think. And that is probably what keeps me going. It also encourages me to keep exploring new writing styles. My natural curiosity feeds my thirst for information and this gives me the confidence to tackle just about any topic.

Writing is not something I recently started doing. During my childhood we had red floors and my favorite pastime was filling every surface available with drawings and words, using chalk. I’d make up stories and draw comics.

And then, the joy of paper and pencil. Stacks of drawings that became better over time. Writing competitions easily won. Articles published in the school mag, college mag. Editor of the office house mag. As I grew, so did my writing. I wrote stories, limericks, poetry, non-fiction. I wrote erotica when a friend dared me to, wisely under an alias, about ten years ago. I still get fan mail for those. Go figure.

So let’s get to the questions, shall we?

What am I working on/writing?

I blog here at Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Coffee with Mi and Your Medical Guide. I enjoy writing for the Blogging Betties and Write Tribe. I also contribute to the Complete Wellbeing Magazine.

Besides this, I have client work. I am planning to write regularly about parenting here, twice a month. I am working on being more regular on my health blog. I have a growing stack of books for which book reviews are due.

You’d think I wouldn’t have time for more, right? Wrong. I write in my diary every day. This keeps my writing muscles flexed. I help friends out with content. I am working on the drafts of two books.

One is “The Complete Health Guide for Women” which I started in Nov 2012. The other is a sort of “memoirs” with the working title, “How do you spell love” which I drafted on Nov 2013. Besides these, I have a few short ebooks in the works – these are folk tales, quick health guides, quotes and so on. I keep shifting the deadlines I set myself because life intervenes. I am cool with that.

How does my work/writing differ from others in its genre?

Good question. Would you answer it for me? I’d love to hear it in the comments.

Why do I write what I do?

Writing is more or less like breathing to me, and today, I am glad to say, it is also my bread and butter.

I love to write. I find it exciting to use words to express. These days, blogging amounts to a lot of writing and I just love the feeling of being connected to so many people through words. The feedback I receive is my reward. The wonderful writers I meet motivate me. I enjoy writing challenges.

How does my writing process work?

My mind never seems to sleep. I am never without a pen/pencil and paper within reach. Even my kitchen shelf has stationery in a see through container. I am a fan of lists and make them all the time. I think in lists. When I have a post idea, I make points in lists. The paper on my kitchen shelf is testimony. Ideas come to me at the oddest times. And I write everything down.

At school, I would constantly make notes. At work, during meetings, I’d constantly doodle. I have a photographic memory. Even when I talk to someone on the phone, I am making notes. I can’t help it. Sometimes I sketch an idea. I still write in long hand. Yes, I have a thing for stationery!

These days, thanks to technology, I have a digital diary. Quicker, more convenient. Since I am logged into email most of the time, I find it easy to create drafts of what is going through my mind. I enjoy free-writing. I religiously follow Hemingway’s quote “write drunk, edit sober” I notice the little things and enjoy writing about them. I read a lot.

vidya sury on writing

That’s it!

Got more questions for me? Feel free to grill me further on writing!

I now have the privilege of tagging three lovely ladies, inviting them to talk about why they write and their writing process by answering these questions on their blog on June 10/11. Here’s what they will do:

  • Answer the four questions on their blog next week
  • What am I working on/writing?
  • How does my work/writing differ from others in its genre?
  • Why do I write what I do?
  • How does my writing process work?
  • Tag three writers / bloggers of their choice to answer these questions on writing, on their own blog the following week.

And thus we shall carry the bloghop forward!

The bloggers friends I am tagging are:

Joy Holland of Facets of Joy

joy on writingJoy Holland is a love spinner and reflector of light. As an empathic intuitive, Joy shares practices of presence and energy movement as she guides those who choose to walk a heart-path into experiences of peace and possibility through connection and creative expression. As a mother of two teenagers she revels in family connection and applying these practices in daily life. Joy’s newest class “Presence to Manifesting Money with Joy” begins June 11, 2014. Please connect with Joy on Twitter and Facebook

Michelle Wallace of Writer In Transit

michelle wallace on writingMichelle Wallace describes herself as a writer-in-the-making who has embarked on a never-ending journey; a lover of flash fiction who dreams of writing and publishing a mystery/suspense story, one day in the not-too-distant-future … As a multi-colored rainbow nation child of God, she embraces an optimistic-realistic life view and believes in a good and honest work ethic. Her many titles include songbird, entertainer, pianist and educator. Compassion is one of her virtues and she champions the underdog.

Michelle blogs at Writer~In~Transit and you can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Goodreads, as well as over at The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, where she is part of the administrative team.

Michelle Stanley of Michelle Stanley

michelle stanley on writing

Michelle is a freelance writer and official book reviewer who works from home, creating assignments for clients as well as writing for herself. She also blogs at http://www.writer-way.blogpspot.com and writes on any topic that inspires her. Her hobbies include gardening, sewing, but cooking and baking tops the list. Michelle’s favorite genre is mystery, but she enjoys a challenge and writes on almost any topic if inspired. Poetry is another one of Michelle’s interests. Please connect with Michelle on Google Plus

Birgit of B B Creations

Birgit on writingBirgit is celebrating her 20th anniversary of her 30th birthday! (Now why didn’t I think of that?!) She grew up in the country with 2 wonderful parents – a German mom who brought love, compassion, fun and discipline and also talent and a love of Christmas and a Dad who was a true blue Canadian lumberman who brought respect, loyalty and steadfastness along with a love for wildlife and the movies. Birgit always loved books, reading, art and the movies. She was taught to never fear, and believes that education is very important and learning will never end. Although she suffers from Ehlers-Danlos a condition which creates constant pain in every joint, she laughs it off and says it is a great reason why she cannot jog, do gym classes and all that other merriment that makes her want to grab the nearest wine glass. For 23 years she has been a Credit Counsellor and enjoys helping people when they feel they have little hope. She started her blog a few years ago to showcase her cards. Birgit loves creating cards to send to people. She loves travel, reading and writing on her blog and always hopes to make people feel better.

Take it away, Joy, Michelle, Michelle and Birgit!

Now, question for you on writing

What do you like about my writing?

By the way, I have a post up at the Blogging Betties – “Blogging. Are you In it to Win it?” Do visit. You’ll like it.

blogging betties on writing

Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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