Today marks the 2WC’s eighth anniversary, or to put it another way — it’s our blog birthday!
It’s also Banned Books Week, which celebrates the power of words and the importance of freedom of speech in its written form. As you may have surmised we’re fans of this freedom (and books, too).
This freedom is why we were able to start our blog in the first place, and why we’re celebrating eight years. It also allows for a diversity of perspectives and opinions.
This can, of course, cause its fair share of problems, especially when we don’t agree with the opinions being shared. Because, as we all know, this freedom doesn’t come with the guarantee of tolerance. Lately that obvious fact has become painfully clear.
We often judge without knowing all the facts, and our willingness to seek out the full truth is increasingly inhibited. We live in a curated world. We rarely seek opinions outside of our own bubbles, and when we do it’s often just to mock or revel in our “rightness.”
It seems like we could all use a reminder to keep an open mind. I’m not suggesting you befriend an Internet troll, but maybe think twice before you unfollow someone based on a different political view, or try to understand the motive behind someone’s actions before assigning your own. A little kindness and understanding can go a long way.
…and don’t worry, fellow crusaders, I didn’t forget you. Thank you for joining us on our many crusades. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
…just for fun: