Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 09 March 2016 by Zer @the2women

…Overshare Social media addicts, welcome to the next frontier. The time has come to up your sharing game.

There’s a new way to share your photos, videos and screenshots, and unlike existing platforms, this one won’t let you pick and choose your favorites.

“Shorts,” is its name and over sharing is its game.

The concept is that you share an unfiltered peek into your camera roll. So, every time you open the app it asks if you’d like to share every photo you’ve taken since the last time you logged in.

And don’t worry, you can get followers too. Because who wouldn’t want to sort through your digital sock drawer?

It might sound creepy, but it might have an upside. You’ll give a lot more thought to what photos you take and keep on your phone…or you could just not use “Shorts.”

More on the Story: TechCrunch

…just for fun:

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