Self Expression Magazine

…Perk Up

Posted on the 29 September 2016 by Zer @the2women

perk-upHappy National Coffee Day!

It’s true, most of us coffee lovers celebrate this holiday every day, but that’s not going to stop us from showing our preferred form of caffeine some extra love on this its national holiday.It also happens to fall right in the middle of Banned Books Week, which couldn’t be more perfect. Nothing goes better with a warm cup of coffee than a good book.

Banned books may seem like a thing of the past, and for many of us they are. Sadly, intolerance and prejudice and the fear and hate they breed are not gone. Suppression of ideas and knowledge and every person’s access to them is still very much a part of our reality.

Thankfully, we still have coffee to help us get out of bed and continue to fight the good fight. While it may seem like a small contribution, simply turning the page can do more good than you might imagine.

More on the Story: Banned Books Week

…just for fun:

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