One of our favorite projects around this house is to pick up strange mugs from thrift shops and turn them into coffee-scented candles.
This picture is an old one (and we ended up selling the two mugs in the photo), otherwise I would re-snap the shot so you could clearly see “MORRIS” under the cat’s head. It was my favorite of strange-mug finds because the minimalism was graphic design genius. You really can’t go wrong with a floating cat head and a name under it.
In fact, it’s hard to go wrong with any floating head and name:

Dave wants us to make a mug with this design for our next candle, which is my theory is to how weird mugs end up in thrift shops.
When making these candles at home, we kept the project kid-friendly and didn’t do it entirely from scratch. We just bought the microwaveable wax, tossed in our coffee grinds, placed the wick in the cup, and poured the wax in. They snap a bit when they’re lit so they’re not perfectly safe for bookshelves or kids rooms, but they make fun candles for bathrooms and kitchens– and they smell delicious!
Let there be light, and when possible and desired– let that light be coffee scented.
The Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Let There Be Light :
Have you ever made your own candles? Do you own a mug with your name on it? What’s the strangest mug in your cupboard?