‘Where have you been!?’, you say. Well guys, I’m back! The last three weeks have been a blur, even I don’t know what I’ve been doing. I’ve been stressing and getting the last, yes last, of my assignments finished for college, started and quit a new job, aaaaand most importantly, bought a new camera
To update anyone that’s interested (I hope there is at least one person…I think someone should comment, just so I don’t cry) here’s the past couple weeks of my life in photos

So firstly, I found an amazing bottle whilst eating out, and not (sneakily) bringing it home was not an option….I must say, I wasn’t quite rebel enough to take it myself, so thanks to my cousin! It is now filled with gold fairy dust and sits with some Polaroids.

I went out and shot with my beautiful Diana, developed the film and got…..absolutely nothing! GUTTED. Think I mixed the chemicals wrong.

I did however, get some digital pinhole images…these two I’m especially pleased with. I’ve always loved the effect you get from a pinhole shot.

I went along to a signing with Chloe Sims from Towie with a journalist from Only Peterborough magazine and took some photos for the July edition. Here’s me and the beautiful Chloe.

I treated myself to a beautiful new diary! I’ve had a Filofax for the past 18 months but I just can’t get on with it. So, naturally, I needed a new one. Perhaps not one that cost me £15, but nevertheless!

The first and second years of Peterborough Regional College held their annual exhibition at the Peterborough University Centre, and of course there was lots of great pieces of work.

Art geeks looking around the exhibition.

This is Giorgio Esposito’s work on colour pinhole images…one of my favourites as it’s so unusual. Visit Giorgio’s Facebook page!

A few of the film posters, including Kieron’s ‘Loop’.

Viewers enjoying the work.

This is Claire Humphrey with her series of images ‘Perfection does not exist’…this was another of my favourites. Take a look at Claire’s Facebook page.

Claire Humphrey’s series ‘Perfection does not exist’.

I had a job interview, got the job, and left a week and a half later. The hours were ridiculous and stopped me from doing any personal work that I wanted to.

Finished reading this amaazing book! Can’t wait to read Dan Brown’s new book Inferno.

Started ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee.

I ordered this fairy net for an image in Living the Dream (Solitary)…and just for one night I wanted to be a little girl again and have it over my bed.

Coffee….lots of coffee.

I got a new logo! Designed by me, created by Paradox Films

Doing serious amounts of coursework in Starbucks. I think I spent over 10 hours in there in three days.

Of course, I bought more fairy dust. This puffs out glitter with an old fashioned perfume spray. Two of my friends text me about this telling me I had to buy it…and yes I did!

The start of a new pack never quite works out….

Listing lots of project ideas I’ve got…just need to get them going now!

Pretty flowers…I’m definitely becoming flower crazy…this is not the only flower photo on this blog post.

K bought a new accessory for his camera…apparently it’s a toy too

See…flower crazy.

My big cousin’s first baby girl was born. They named her Harlowe…how beautiful is she!

Me and K photographed an Asian after wedding party. It was good fun. The amount of different colours they wore was amazing.


The beautiful bride

I learnt something new.

I have moved over to the dark side…I got a canon!!! I have to say, I am actually in love with it.

Me and K…okay just me…were truly geeking it up today with our technology! Trying out different cameras, lenses, filters etc.

Started shooting with this pretty little thing this week. Time to get some 35mm practise in. I’m going to develop two rolls of film soon so if they turn out good I’ll scan some on here.

Mumma Hann found a Polaroid at a car boot sale for £2….TWO POUND! I need to get my bum down to some car boot sales!

He’s had a long week filming.

I adore this…freshly picked flower from my garden. I took this by taking off my lens and holding it really close to the sensor.
SO, you can see I’ve had a good couple of weeks…hopefully many more to come