It’s no secret that the way we view television is changing quickly. In a relatively short span of time, we’ve gone from cable being king to the rise of the cord-cutters.
While some networks have accepted their inevitable demise, and taken steps to join the streaming world while they still can (CBS, HBO, and Showtime), others have dig their heals in, and refused to face reality…until now.
NBC had recently decided to face the music (with a nice healthy dose of denial), and announced their own streaming services. Yep, you read that right, it has serviceS. It’s supposed to be plural.
In what we can only assume is a desperate attempt to send us all back into the cold, indifferent arms of cable, NBC has piecemealed their offerings by genre. So far, you can purchase their comedy package (Seeso) for $4 a month or reality tv (Hayu) for about $6 a month (technically not available in the US yet).
It’s a bold move, and hopefully it doesn’t give any other services ideas. It does bring new fire to the great comedy vs drama debate, assuming NBC does eventually offer a drama service. Where do we draw the line? Does there need to be a separate category for dramedies? Are we following Emmy rules, half hour equals comedy and an hour equals drama?
I guess only time will tell. For now,we’ll just sit back and watch the comically dramatic reality unfold.
More on the Story: Business Insider
…just for fun: