Self Expression Magazine

Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity

Posted on the 29 August 2013 by Lillyneu
I have been running around like crazy lately, starting (and loving) my new job and getting geared up for the launch of the fall Noonday Collection line that went up yesterday! Amongst this I had been excited to sign Markus and I up for our first time volunteering with Dwell with Dignity (one of the charities I mentioned in my best places to donate stuff in Dallas post), but it was one of those super packed days where by the end of it you're getting the voice in the back of your head wondering if it even matters if you show up.
Before we left for volunteering, Markus and I went to a pre-baby financial planning meeting where we managed to get lost from our car in the parking garage for TWENTY MINUTES which really took away from the feeling of got-my-life-together-ness that we had when in said baby planning meeting. It was also the exact amount of time we needed to get to the apartment we were installing for DwD on time.
We arrived flustered to the non-descript apartment complex. As soon as I opened the door, though, it was like being in a parallel universe of perfect and pretty. Inspiration and Pinterest projects were everywhere. Volunteers were in every room working on projects to get this apartment perfect for a mom and daughter who had just graduated from Interfaith Housing Coalition homeless to self-sufficiency program.
My first takeaway were all the gorgeous and fun DIY projects around the apartment. I was getting crazy inspiration before even getting started on my own assignments!

Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity

DIY ombre chest of drawers

Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity

Knick knacks spray painted the same color make a pretty tableau.

Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity

I loved the overlays used to enhance this basic-before nightstand!


Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity

How pretty is my favorite childhood craft, spin art, when matted and framed in a group?

Markus rolled up this sleeves and was put to work in no time. If you are a single guy reading my blog, A. Respect and B. Seriously you need to come volunteer here. There is so much "man stuff" to do, and the guys are rare and glorified. The girl volunteers are seriously adorable.
Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity  After working on a few beginning assignments, we realized the mouse pad in the daughter's room was basic blue and boring and we just couldn't have that. The fact that I was with so many other women who care about cute mousepads made me feel like I was with my people. Then I was sent to Heaven on Earth, pictured below, and I really knew I had found my volunteer calling. 
Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity  I needed to get Mod Podge and scrapbook paper so we could enhance the mousepad and make it perfect for the room. I tried to take a mental picture of the bedroom and brought home three potential options for PMP - project mouse pad.   A pretty pink pattern seemed safest with the theme of the room, and then I remembered a little green vase that was giving a pop of color on the nightstand and found a piece of paper in that same shade that had a great texture. The wild card was a piece of paper I found that was actually chalkboard. I thought it might be cute to make the mousepad something she could also doodle or keep notes on. Below we have the mousepad and all of the options on the bedding to see who the winner will be. 
Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity
When taking in the whole room from the doorway it was obvious that the green just popped and matched the bud vase on the nightstand perfectly. This was probably the most thrilling thing to ever happen to me in my life, and I completely forgot about just a few hours before when I thought I was going to have to kill my husband to survive on his flesh since we were going to be lost in the parking garage forever.
Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity
To make the mousepad, I just traced the pad on the back of the sheet of scrapbook paper and cut it out. Then I did a layer of Mod Podge on the back of the paper and put it on the top of the mousepad, smoothing out any air bubbles to make sure it would lay flat and be easy to use. I went around the edges of the pad and did a thin top coat with my sponge brush just to make sure everything held up well as it was used.
Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity
I love it on the desk!
Pink, Purple and the Perfect Mousepad - Volunteering with Dwell with Dignity
 The great feeling of volunteering is exceeded only by the high of crafting, and I am so happy I finally got to volunteer with Dwell with Dignity last night and see how their donations and creativity comes together to help people working hard to get on their feet feel respected and empowered.  Next I am going to be going to one of their Wednesday Work Nights where they do the crafts and make the furniture before the apartment installs. If you are looking for a creative outlet and a way to help others in Dallas, you will love working with Dwell with Dignity, and I hope I see you at a volunteer night!

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