What I've learned from the polls I've had up recently:
-Apparently my readers don't floss all that often.
-My readers mostly support LGBTQ rights, but some of them don't, and some of them don't even know what it means. So I feel this is necessary: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. And their rights. You're welcome.
In other news: In the past week I've caught up on all my laundry, made my bed, organized my drawers (by which I mean the drawers in the dresser and not my underpants, although they were, coincidentally, involved in that process), spent 3 hours on Skype with my sister and an hour on the phone with my mom, ridden my bicycle several times, eaten reasonably healthful and filling food, mailed the packages that have been sitting next to the desk for the last billion years, and defeated a UTI all on my own without antibiotics! I also worked four of the last seven days and made significant contributions to my savings jar and to my debtors.
Yay for productivity!
OH and I almost forgot--I'm 22 now! Woot!