We're finally back in the States after a fabulous week of grandparents bliss in the Bahamas. Getting back was a bit of an adventure, as it always is, the only thing different was that it was the first time in fifteen years that I decided to purchase a plane ticket in lieu of using one of my mother's family passes. As luck would have it, our flight was delayed by seven hours. Waiting hours upon hours in an international airport? Nothing new here. What was new was that I was eligible for the compensation provided by the airline for the inconvenience. Now longer low man on the totem pole (I hate that expression), a full fare ticket got me a 12 dollar coupon at the airport cafeteria called The Dutch Oven.
I regretted explaining to Séb what dutch oven meant after he heard Vinny tell the story when he "dutch ovened" his now-wife Carmella on their third date.
Dutch Oven is truly a terrible name for any food establishment - cafeteria or not. Needless to say, we did not use our coupons, and luckily I have Italian grandparents who decided to stay an extra few days, and stuffed our suitcases with roasted red pepper, procuitto, and mozzerella sandwiches, a chunk of pecorino romano cheese, and a container filled of red cerignola olives. The wine was confiscated.
We're glad to be back for our final days in New York, and I have some fun surprises to share with you guys very soon! Until then, here are some last looks at our vacation in paradise...

Bay Street
The main drag of Nassau is Bay Street with both tourist businesses, high-end boutiques, parliament and government buildings, as well as tons of abandoned buildings, businesses and offices. Here are some locations that struck me as interesting...

The Poop Deck
This is one of my grandparent's favorite restaurants in Nassau. Despite the name, that always makes me chuckle (I know, I act like a 10 year old boy), it's a perfect place for a view of the boats docked at the port, the two bridges of Nassau and the pink glow of the sunset reflecting off the McHotel, the Atlantis.

Picking our dinner.
Goodfellow Farms The Bahamas isn't just tropical cocktails and fresh fish, a hidden gem off the beaten path is Goodfellow Farms located on the west end of the island. Daily lunch specials of grilled chicken gorganzola wraps, quinoa salads, and baked talapia on a bed of microgreens are served in their gazebo surrounded by the farm animals. The general store has a full array of international cheeses, fresh breads, on-the-premise grown fruits and veggies, and home decor. It's a little bit of New England in the Bahamas.

Spritz Restaurant and Bar Craving Italian food on a tropical island? If you're anything like our family who regardless of where we are in the world, needs pasta on Sunday night, I highly recommend Spritz. A chic yet rustic Italian restaurant located in Sandy Port, a small marina village located on the west end of the island. After having their cooked-to-perfection thin crust pizza, followed by a veal scallopini that was bursting with flavors that I thought only my grandmother could produce, Spritz has now been added into my Top 10 favorite Italian restaurants in the world. In the Bahamas? Who knew?