Self Expression Magazine

…pound the Pavement

Posted on the 12 November 2011 by Zer @the2women
…pound the pavement

Hint: They're made for walking...

Pay close attention because I’m only going to say this once.  Cyclists have it rough sometimes.  Hope you caught it because I won’t be repeating it.

Yes, they’re a menace for every runner, but at the end of the day they have to deal with cars, as do runners you demons on unmotorized wheels…but I digress.

Any modern pedestrian can tell you that the sidewalk can be a dangerous place as well.

But usually we have to deal with mixed signals, alternating side choices, strollers, and the ever-present smart phone blocking awareness, it can get ugly really fast.

Of course the battle of transportation modes is  a struggle dating back to the beginning of mankind.  Normally this would be a hyperbolic statement, but seriously.

From foot travel to horses, horses to carriages, carriages to streetcars, streetcars to motorcars, and motorcars to outrageously over-sized vehicles, and still we haven’t learned to look out for the less speedy (and/or armored-car) among us.

I suppose all we can do is look both ways and hope no car doors open in front of us and cyclists remember-you are the cars of the running path.

Check out the history of the battle for the street and the sidewalk in the article below…it’s awesome.


“The Pedestrian Loses the Way”: New York Times READ THIS

…bi-daily smile…

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