Happy Sunday, fellow crusaders! With eight sleeps till Christmas there's not a minute to spare, so I'll keep this brief.
This next week is a crash course in time management, but I hope you find a moment or two to enjoy the season.
If you're not sure how to do that, might I suggest baking. Before you insist that you can't bake, let me just tell you that you're wrong. Assuming you have the right ingredients and tools, I promise you it's possible.
Baking is the perfect way to truly just slow things down and appreciate the moment because it forces you to pay attention. Yes, that's right, from measuring to mixing baking is really just about paying attention.
It's something we could all practice a little more, especially during the holidays.
On that note, I'll leave you to your baking, shopping, and the rest of your to-do list. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and don't forget to pay attention.
...just fun:
...just for fun: