Self Expression Magazine

…proceed with Caution

Posted on the 04 June 2015 by Zer @the2women

garfield20sleepingWell folks, you’ve almost made it. Friday is almost upon us, and lucky for you I have just the random distraction to get you through the rest of the day—a random holiday.I know what you’re thinking, how do you follow National Running Day? Well, in the grand scale of “random holidays” National Running Day ranks pretty low. It has a clear purpose and positive outcome. Today’s holiday doesn’t quite meet those qualifications. So, without further ado, I wish you a Happy Hug Your Cat Day.

I assume this was started by Johnson & Johnson as a marketing play to sell more Band-Aids and other First-Aid products. I don’t know about you all, but I’ve never met a cat who would enjoy getting a hug, except for maybe in the movies:

Happy hug your hairy baby day! #HugYourCatDay #BigHero6

— Disney Animation ●—● (@DisneyAnimation) June 4, 2015

This is not a grudge against cats. I’m a cat person. I love cats, but they’re not huggable creatures. Proud? Yes. Regal? Yes. Willing to submit to being smothered with your love? Not so much.

Still, perhaps the feline in  your life is an exception. Everyone else, how about an affectionate scratch, or an amiable nod from across the room. They’ll know what you mean.

Really this is all a moot point because, let’s face it, National Running Day and Hug Your Cat Day both pale in comparison to tomorrow’s obscure holiday: National Donut Day.

Happy Donut Day Eve!

Huffington Post: How To Hug A Cat — Perfectly, Every Time

…bi-daily smile…

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