Self Expression Magazine

…raise a Glass

Posted on the 25 July 2017 by Zer @the2women

…raise a glassCrusaders, there are some weeks that require an extra bit of effort to get started. This week is one of those weeks. I know it may seem like a sacrilege to be anything less than motivated by the time Tuesday of Shark Week rolls around, but this week has had a rough start.

Lucky for us, today just happens to be Wine and Cheese Day, and there are few things more motivating than food.

…raise a glass

Not to mention the eternal power of cheese…

…raise a glass

Add the perfectly paired wine, and pow…

…raise a glass

But I understand there are people out there who might not be motivated by the allure of a wine and cheese pairing…

…raise a glass

Or so I’m told. But whatever is motivating your this Tuesday, I salute you. We got this.

…raise a glass

…bi-daily smile…


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