There’s a lot going on this Wednesday. Sadly, a lot of it isn’t great. Today’s attack in London is beyond sad, and our thoughts and prayers here at the 2WC go out to all those affected.
Because I think we all could use it, I thought I’d talk about some of the less discouraging things that happened today. It may be hard to believe, but there was at least one bright spot — World Water Day.
I realize the fact that World Water Day is needed at all, might seem a little depressing, but hear me out.
H2O is the most valuable resource on earth. Without it, all life on earth would cease to exist.
World Water Day is dedicated to raising awareness about this limited resource. It’s also a reminder that while some of us take it for granted, clean water is not a given for everyone.
While World Water Day exposes the all too harsh reality that we need to take better care of this invaluable resource, it’s also a reminder that a lot of people care and are already working hard to make sure that the water we have is clean and safe and available to everyone. And that’s a pretty bright spot.
More on the Story: World Water Day
…just for fun: