Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 24 November 2013 by Ballerinablogger
Sunday is probably my favorite day. You finally get a break after the grind of the week that seems to go on, and on, and on, and on. It's important to utilize this day off and let your body rest. Allowing your body this time off can enhance your performance and you'll feel better all around.
When we work our muscles, we make tiny little tears in the tissue. When the tissue heals it becomes stronger. But if we don't allow our muscles the time to heal, it can be hard to re-cooperate. I find that, more often than not, I feel amazing and dance better after a day off.
So what are some things that we can do to better take care of ourselves on this day of rest that leaves our bodies feeling rejuvenated and refueled?
  • Well, sometimes I like to take a bath. Warm up and loosen your muscles without straining them and sigh away that accumulating stress. If you're looking for prime relaxation, sprinkle a couple bath salts or drop some aromatherapy oils in the water. Bath and Body Works has some great products that all smell simply divine.


Click here for more info.

  • Give yourself or get a massage. Grab the body butter or lotion and knead your thumbs through your calves and feet. These are areas that, when neglected, can be prone to injury. I personally have had several lower-body injuries due to my calves being too tight. Give them a little preventative TLC.
  • Yoga can be a great way to relax, stay active, and work muscles that we dancers don't usually target. I don't personally do a lot of yoga but I have a couple of dancer friends that swear by it.
  • Drink a lot of water. This is essential for a variety of reasons but I find that when I make myself drink more, my muscles nearly always feel better. Give it a try and let me know how you feel afterwards!
  • SLEEP. Sleep in, it's okay. I know our internal alarm clocks sometimes go off in our heads at 7:00 but hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. Let yourself get 8+ hours of rest.
What do you do to treat yourself on your day off? Leave a comment below to tell us! I don't know about you guys but I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving break! I just have school Monday and Tuesday and... Drum roll please... Tuesday afternoon we will be loading our stuff into the auditorium for Nutcracker! It's always a thrill. The beginning of the holiday season, for my family and friends, officially starts with that. There will be plenty of Nutcracker updates to come, lovelies. Thanks for reading and keep your head up until that long-awaited break! Rhiannon -

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