Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 25 September 2018 by Zer @the2women

…Register Hey there. News cycle got you down? Tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop? Wondering if that expression really applies to our current political environment? I mean what shoe are we even on at this point?

Speaking of points, I promise I have one, and it's this...

As much fun as it is to grumble at the state of the world (and it can be), actually doing something about it is even more satisfying. And you can do something about it. You can vote.Today is National Voter Registration Day. Seriously. It even has its own hashtag (#NationalVoterRegistrationDay).

Whether you lean left, right, or in your own unique, snowflake direction today is the day to drop all of the excuses and register to vote. I promise, it's painless. In fact, it'll probably make you feel better. Voting is power and the perfect antidote for feeling powerless.

You can get started right here. If you're not sure if you're registered you can check here. If you're not familiar of the what, who, where, or why that you're voting on you can check it all out here. Finally, if you're going to be out of town, don't want to stand in line, or like to get your homework done early, you can request an absentee ballot here.

Okay, now that you have all the tools, lose the excuses and be an active participant in this great democracy. Go register to vote, and bug everyone you know (or don't know) to do the same.

...oh yeah, and don't forget to actually vote. Set a reminder, an alarm, send yourself a letter. Basically, do whatever it takes. Even if you enjoy grumbling about politics, vote and earn the right to grumble to your heart's content.

...just for fun:

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