Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 24 May 2015 by Zer @the2women

 …Remember Happy Memorial Day weekend…day 2!

Hopefully at this point you’ve reached your destination, and are enjoying a nice relaxing holiday weekend. If not, well, hang in there. Only one more day to go.

For those who are enjoying the weekend, I’ll keep this short so you can get back to spending time with friends and family. 

In the midst of the stress of travel, or even the fun, it can be easy to forget what this extra long weekend is actually about. So, consider this your official reminder that tomorrow is a day of remembrance for those who have died defending our freedoms.

That doesn’t mean you should cancel the barbecue and spend the day in solemn reflection. But maybe take a moment (now perhaps) to be thankful for those who sacrificed their lives so that you could have the right to a three-day weekend, and so much more.

Okay, that’s all I have for you. Enjoy what’s left of your holiday weekend.

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…just for fun: 

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