What do you hope people remember about you after you're gone?
Initially I was going to skip this prompt. It sounded a little morbid. But then I thought "after your're gone does not have to mean after you have died. It can mean after you have gone as in left someone's presence. That, I think, is a much better and less morbid question.
What do you hope people remember about you after you have gone from their presence?
You may say who cares? Why should I care what other people think about me? Or, what other people think about me is none of my business. I happen to agree that it is their business and no you should not be overly concerned with what others think of you. Buuuuutttt.... feeling valued is an important aspect of having a more joyful life. Knowing that your presence on this planet, at your job, within your family, withing your community, etc matters makes us feel valued and happier.
When you interact with people you want to leave the situation knowing that your presence mattered in a positive way. What you don't want them to think, as my dad would say, is "so long, so long, you rascal you!" So don't be a Joy Thief!When you are gone, don't you want to have left someone smiling? When you are gone don't you want people to feel glad that they talked to you? When you are gone, don't you want people to feel inspired by what you said or did? I know I do.
When I am gone I want people to feel encouraged. When I'm gone I want people to remember that their greatest dreams and desires are worth pursuing. When I'm gone I want people to remember that things can improve and get better. When I am gone I want people to remember to Chase Joy!
What do you want people to remember when you have gone from their presence?
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