This What to Watch Wednesday marks not only the first since the Oscars, but also a day when many will be grappling what they will give up for the next 40 days. So, I thought I’d help a little bit with both, some things to watch (literally and metaphorically).
First, for those not familiar with the Lenten process, it’s common practice to give something up as penance for the forty days leading up Easter. Common deprivations are soda, chocolate, Twitter, Facebook…you get the picture.
Personally, I’ve always been a bigger fan of trying something new, or a new way of doing something. It’s the half-glass-full approach to Lent, and I like it.
So, for instance, instead of giving up social media, you might resolve to use it differently.
On Twitter that might mean upping the quality of your posts, steering clear of trollish content, and really trying to add value to the world when you tweet.
Or when in doubt, ask yourself: WWLMMT?
Which of course stands for: What would Lin-Manual Miranda Tweet?
Seriously, if we could all be more like LMM on Twitter, the would be a better place.
Still over the moon that the world got to meet @auliicravalho last night. Pride is not the word I'm looking for.
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) February 27, 2017
But if Twitter’s not your thing, maybe your social self-improvement will be changing what you consume online. I suggest upping the Disney. You can never go wrong with more Disney:
Or maybe it’s time to clean that grammar up. But why stop there? I recommend the one-two punch of improving your grammatical accuracy when posting plus more cat photos. Your followers will thank you.
Whatever your goals this lenten season, I wish you well, may these days be filled with triumphant change and (of course) cat videos…