Twitter is finally putting its foot down on plagiarism…sort of.
The social site has started censoring duplicates of preexisting posts. Specifically, recycled jokes.
Yes, Twitter is finally enforcing some sort of copyright policy. In other words, they think you deserve credit for you jokes/witticisms and other humorous tweets, no matter how bad they may be.
It’s both encouraging, and a little bit upsetting. I mean, what exactly was their copyright policy before? Also, who are these people who just copy and paste other people’s work and claim them as their own…not cool!
If you’re one of these individuals (or are tempted to try), feel free, but know that your Twitter records will contain a badge of shame in the form of the following notice:
“This tweet from (user) has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder.”
Consider yourself warned, and hopefully shamed into not plagiarizing someone else’s work. Seriously, not cool.
More on the Story: The Verge
…just for fun: