Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 30 July 2017 by Zer @the2women

…ReviewHappy Sunday, fellow crusaders! This day of rest is the perfect time to kick back, relax, and mentally prepare yourself for the week. We all have our own way of doing this, but this week I thought I’d offer an alternative to the lazy Sunday with a brief refresher course.

What kind of course?

Well, a few different subjects — some politics, some life skills, and some things that you won’t know unless you keep reading. They’re all inspired by events of the past week, and are all areas which we could use a little bit of a review of every now and then.

Get ready to hit the books (or videos) with this quick return to the basics. And without further ado, I give you #SundayFunday with a purpose…

First, a reminder of how our government is supposed to work. Yes, it’s incredibly simplified, but it gets the basic process down.

Next, some tips on how to have conversations with anybody, even people you don’t agree with. Something we could all use some help with.

Finally, a crash course in how insurance and healthcare work together.


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