Even been so absorbed in doing something that you were shocked to see the clock and realize you had no idea how much time has passed? You probably thought it was only an hour, only to find that it is dark outside and half the day whizzed by!
Isn't it a wonderful thing to feel so focused doing something you enjoy? So focused that you are oblivious to everything else?
This is the joy of living in the "right here, right now"
These days, we are too carried away with "multi-tasking" and being proud of it. Nothing to be proud of when you try to juggle several things and end up dissatisfied about not doing justice to any of them.
Imagine focusing completely on what this present moment brings us-and living completely in it-whatever the situation.
Maybe it is a conversation with a friend, without checking your phone, worrying about who texted or emailed, pending work, or social media updates. Wouldn't we get more out of the interaction, delighting both ourselves and the person we're with?
Maybe it is a specific project at work. When we concentrate on getting it done without distraction, chances are there'll be fewer errors and the satisfaction of all involved, not to mention wrapping it up faster.
Maybe it is someone in your family who needs a listening ear. Imagine giving them your undivided attention and making them feel better.
Hey, maybe it is you. Needing an uninterrupted fifteen minutes for yourself with nothing on your mind, other than this peaceful moment.
Aiming to live our lives more consciously is all about focusing on every moment, because these make our lives.
Now reflect on this:
Are you able to fully surrender to the moments that make up your day?
Or are you lost in the thought of the things you didn't finish yesterday, the things you need to do tomorrow, or regret over something you did?
When you are there, you are not here: in this moment.
The present moment is where the richness of life lives.
When you miss it, you miss the love, the happiness, the peace.
Why do we allow so many distractions in our lives? Do they make a positive difference?
Is there anything you can let go of and feel lighter?
How about taking a moment to take a deep breath, gather yourself, collect your thoughts and feelings, right here, right now?
If you let yourself be absorbed completely,
if you surrender completely to the moments as they pass,
you live more richly those moments.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
#WednesdayWisdom is a series with short bursts of easy-to-consume wisdom in the form of stories, quotes, anecdotes, and humor.