Please pardon this brief interruption to your Memorial Day. I just wanted to take a moment to send out a reminder of what today is about. (Hint: It's not barbecues and an extended weekend)
Although it may not feel like it at times, we enjoy freedoms here in the U.S. that are unfathomable in other parts of the world. These freedoms are upheld and defended by a group of men and women who risk everything for our country.
We may not be able to agree on a lot these days, but I think we can all agree that those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this Grand Experiment in democracy deserve a lot more than a day.
We can all do little things to honor their sacrifice every day by truly appreciating those freedoms and their cost. Yes, you can stand up for the things you believe in and exercising that freedom of speech. You can also take things a step further and listen.
I'm not suggesting you try to strike up a meaningful dialogue with some white supremacists. With extremists, there is no middle ground. However, if we all took a step outside of our curated news bubbles (we all have them, no judgment) every once in a while we might actually get somewhere.
Okay, I'm going to get off my soapbox now. Thank you for taking this slight detour with me on your Memorial Day. Thank you to those actively serving, to the veterans, and especially to the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country's freedom.
...just for fun: