River, in an attempt to catch our cat Mina, rolled right off of the sofa. I can't believe how quick it all went down. One minute he was lying next to me, the next minute he was on the floor, screaming his head off as the object of his affection nimbly walked away.
After five solid minutes of screaming and of me trying to comfort him whilst simultaneously checking him over for broken bones, brain haemorrhage and other general damage, he was back to his normal self (with the addition of a red mark on the crown of his head). I, however, was not.
I could feel my pulse racing and hear my heart beating awfully loud as I desperately searched for my phone to call the doctor. The doctor reassured me that he was probably fine as babies bounce really well and he did a really good job of making me feel better. Though just as my pulse was re-entering the realm of run of the mill human beats per minute, he threw in the "you should take him straight to the hospital to get checked over". With these few words, being the neurotic 'Woody Allen type' that I am, I went straight back into panic overdrive and freaked out all over again.
At this point you may be wondering how River was doing? He was fine. In fact he had just devoured his bottle of milk and was giggling with his sister in the playpen. Not that this did anything to calm my nerves. You would think it would, but oh no...at this point I was like a nuclear reactor manager on disaster notice. I was rushing around getting stuff together to take to the hospital whilst frantically chastising myself for being a mommy who had possibly broken one of her babies, or at least let one get damaged on her watch. Thoughts of brain bleeds and other horrible things were racing through my head and it was horrendous. I felt worried, scared and sick - Really not the best feeling.
At the hospital I got a little bit 'mamma-bear' on the staff when faced with a four hour wait in a very full waiting room with two babies. But being the *ahem* 'patient' person I am, I waited quietly. I didn't pester the reception with questions of exactly how long the wait would be... Well, maybe only once or twice. To be fair, we ended up only being at the hospital for a couple of hours which wasn't too bad. When River was examined, he was given the all clear. So it all turned out well in the end.
The whole thing was pretty horrible. I am still feeling terrible but ever so relieved that he is okay. There is also a part of me that feels like a very bad mommy indeed. He is smiley, feeding well and currently in his cot asleep, hopefully dreaming of something lovely. Indigo is also as wonderful as ever. She was very good at the hospital. I am so lucky to have two gorgeously perfect children.
One small leap for the cat...one giant ...erg I am not ready to joke
about this yet. As I am still fairly traumatised by it all :(