Self Expression Magazine

Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout

Posted on the 09 September 2014 by Lillyneu
Heidi's room was such a source of catharsis and creative outlet when I was adjusting to our fast moving adoption. It was a fun mini project and it's even better now that we all enjoy hanging out and playing in it. Sarah Greeman of La Maison Boheme was gracious enough to cover our house and the new addition of Heidi's room for Houzz when we were about a month in, so I thought it was time to share some very rough pictures of our updated room! 
The little changing area and drawers were a thrifted find painted in Annie Sloan chalk paint in Paris Grey. I just did a clear wax on top to keep it looking more modern and less rustic.I really loved that there was no sanding or VOCs since I was painting outside while running in and out to tend to a baby. All safety precautions still in play of course, but a few less things to worry about is good when you're on little sleep!
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
The prints above the table are from the John F Kennedy Library (the wonderful online gift shop, although I would love an in person visit one day!), The Pink Pagoda store (lovely Dallasite) and my grandparent's photo album. The pictures below are from their trip to Hawaii where my grandfather was inducted as president of the National Association of Accountants, which is now the Institute of Management Accountants. I really enjoy peppering my home tour posts with fun facts. My grandma, Nannie, is super crazy pretty and also Heidi's number one gal. 

Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout

Cute gallery wall that is now triple Command strip adhered to the wall thanks to overzealous baby proofing.

Another Annie Sloan project was painting this little side table as a catch all for Heidi stuff. I got the idea from one of my favorite tutorials, the DIY inlay dresser on Little Green Notebook. I love inlay furniture and I don't think I would confuse anyone with my version but I do love the more worldly look it gives to the room. 
Also, her little elephants are long gone now from that spot now that the swaddle days are over. :o) We do have a bit of an elephant theme going in the room, though. Elephants remember people, are known for being one of the most empathetic animals and will adopt young outside their own to their families. All things we believe in over here. 
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
Heidi's daybed has been great as an extra seat in the room and the duvet is from Biscuit Home. The pillow is from our favorite burp cloth hookup, Wren and Rumor. 
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
The elephant piece was a wonderful surprise gift from local artist Wheron. I love his stencil work and he heard about our elephant theme and made this very special contribution to the room. I love his cactus pieces, especially with Heidi's bedding, so expect to see a few of those in the next update. :o)
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
Next to the window is an instagram on wood print from our summer kickoff trip to Austin. The Heidi print is from Naomi Wilkinson on Etsy. 
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
The first grade photos of Markus and I were funked up and enlarged by our wedding photographer, Danny Hurley. They always get a laugh! The white elephant head was from West Elm. I love the star curtain rods from local business Antique Drapery Rod Co and the curtains are from Jonathan Adler for JCPenney. 
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
The rocking chair was a Craig's List find and gets some good use. The bongos are very heavy in the play time rotation these days.
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
I love the little good night detail on the crib skirt I found on sale at Land of Nod right after we finished our home study. This, the wall color, the rugs and the duvet were all purchased before Heidi arrived and were my gender neutral kick start. It's been fun to add some girly elements in without it looking too overboard!
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
Her aden and anais star sheets are a favorite of mine since her bedtime song is Billy Bragg and Wilco's "California Stars." The woven basket above keeps all of the towels and sheets. I have another one for burp cloths and bibs - life savers! 
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
I did save the best for last on the tour! The picture near her bed is a family portrait of Me, Markus, Heidi and her birthmom. I am happily sharing more about the picture and our wonderful friend who gifted it to us on our Austin adoption agency's blog today. Please go check it out the story and keep my friends at Adoption Advocates in mind should you ever be interested or referring someone to adoption resources. 
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout
Thanks for checking out Heidi's room! She is, of course, the only thing we need but it is nice to have a spot we love to play with her and where she is happy to rest her head at night (most nights!).
Room Tour: Heidi's Boho Nursery Hangout

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