This What to Watch Wednesday, I’m going to get straight to the point. “Bill Nye Saves the World” returns this Friday!
I know what you’re thinking. Didn’t they release new episodes in December? Yes, I know, it’s been WAY too long.
Thank goodness everyone’s favorite TV scientist will be back to save the world with…
And with the continued disregard (by certain people) for scientific fact, we’ve never needed ridiculously tightly scheduled seasons of a science show more…
Although, if we’re being honest, he’s not the only scientist with the “favorite TV scientist” title (but “Cosmos” isn’t back until 2019)…
Yes, it turns out we’re in the middle of a golden age for celebrity scientists, which is phenomenal, particularly if we take full advantage of the knowledge they’re sharing. Put another way: Don’t listen to them because they’re famous, listen to them because they know what they’re talking about.
Now let’s get out there and learn!
…bi-daily smile…