- Lose weight
- Change my status from single to in a relationship.
- Have more fun
- Write 1st draft of my Chasing Joy book.
Common mistakes as explained in the S.H.A.R.E presentation
at the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn: Law of Attraction.
- Don't write them down - I am writing them right here. I think I will make an image in my phone also.
- Set too many - I don't think four is too many at all.
- Not specific - Writing 1st draft of my book and going from single to in a relationship are pretty specific. I do need to define lose weight and have more fun a bit more. These are too vague.
- Not measurable - How do you measure fun? This is what I need to figure out. My other goals are measurable. Single or Not - measurable, pounds lost - measurable, and chapters written - measurable
- No due date - I can create due dates for all of these goals. It feels a little bizarre to create a due date for finding getting in a relationship/finding a boy friend/ joy chasing partner. But for the sake implementing the Law of Attraction I will set a due date for that one too.
- Not out your comfort zone - Ha! None of this is in my comfort zone. Publicly answering questions about my fears and the things I want to change and, and setting my goals are all out of my comfort zone. I am sure some of the things I'll need to do to accomplish these goals will be out of my comfort zone as well.
- Not personal - This is a tricky one. A lot of time people make the mistake of setting goals based off of what other's want for them and not what they want for themselves and therefore, not personal. All of my goals are based off of my own desires and are personal to me.
- Not creating a plan of action - I will have to do this for all of my goals. Stay tuned...